Gear Up to Virtual Events with Efficient Planning

Experience from the past year has prepared event planners to be more adept at virtual conference planning. In 2021 the situation does not seem to have improved vastly from 2020. The virtual conference is still the most preferred way of hosting conferences in the times ahead. So how can virtual conferences be made more effective and engage a larger audience?

Conferences are imperative to the progress of business and companies use this marketing format greatly to bring their products or service forward. A conference helps in exchanging knowledge and information, at the same time expediting communication. It creates scopes for networking and revenue generation which are the integral goals for any company. As in-person events have now shifted to the virtual platform, let us understand how you can kick start your virtual conference to garner the same profits as your in-person conference.

virtual conference

What has changed?

Remember that not much has changed, except that the in-person conference has shifted to the virtual platform. The goals of your conference are quite the same and given the advent of event management software, even before the COVID-19 situation struck the world, the virtual platform was quite popular and was becoming a part of events increasingly. Live streaming on social networking sites such as Facebook and Instagram were not uncommon. However, in-person conferences offered more dimension to any event.

Free Conference or Paid?

With the dependency on virtual conferences increasing, you must format and strategize your event according to your industry type. Do you choose to host a free or a paid event? If your event is paid you must evaluate the values that you are bringing for your attendees. A big event has to be actionable and detailed whereas if you are just doing an introductory session, you can keep it free. a free conference like a webinar will help you to test the water before you dive into it. A range of facilities is available that can be explored and will help you to organize your paid event better.

When hosting a paid virtual conference, on the other hand, you need to explore a range of tools and services to make your event more informative and interactive. Ensure that your conference looks as interesting as it would in an in-person setting. Keeping in mind the business aspect in a virtual conference is essential.

What tools to use and how?

What are the interesting elements that would make your virtual conference work better? Including live Q&A, chats, polls, and quizzes are the best way to engage your audience. Remember virtual events are not limited and there are various ways in which you can garner audience participation. Interactive sessions are the best way to help your audience know each other better and all this can be accomplished by technologically superior virtual event software. A highly effective software would help you to prerecord sessions, engage your sponsors and brand their products on various social media sites along with their websites. It will help you to market your event better while bringing out a detailed event analysis that will prepare you for your next event. Hosting a virtual event has many advantages. Not only is it cost-effective but hassle-free and engages more audience than an in-person event ever could. All you require is an efficient virtual events software like Evenesis. Visit for a complete action plan for your virtual conference.

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